I just had my proudest moment as a mother today! My son sat down with me and colored a picture for the first time ever!!! Some of you may be thinking, WOW a picture, her expectations are very low. If you were thinking that, you definitely do not know my son. Camden has avoided everything that has to do with fine motor skills his entire life. Most kids love to color... not Camden!!! I think the real problem is that he can't sit still and focus long enough to accomplish a picture. Tonight, I saw a "teachable moment" and took full advantage of it!!!! IT WORKED!!!!!!!
The whole time, he just kept saying, " I am conturating really hard Mommy." He was trying to say concentrating but kept forgetting the word. It was so cute!!! I have never seen him so focused on anything he has ever done!!! I am so proud!!!!!!

The teacher in me looks at this pencil grip and smiles!!!! It is perfect!!! Mrs. Samantha, Camden's preschool teacher, would be so proud!!!
Aunt Nonna is proud too! Another little artist in the family! Yes!
xoxo Aunt Shawna
Camden - Grandma is so, so proud of you too. I came over Sunday to see your artwork. It is beautiful and I am so proud you "Concecrated" that's how Camden said "Concentrated" on coloring. Now you can color that picture for me to bring to work so I can put it on my desk and see it everyday. Way to go big boy !!!! Love you, Grandma.
That is awesome! And I am so impressed with his ability...can you imagine if he did that everyday. I think you might have an artist on your hand!!!
How fun! I love it. I can't wait to see all your fun artwork all over the fridge!!! :) Have fun!
love ya- kristin
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