This week was a terrible week to start dieting. Let me explain to you how teachers work. During the school year when we have students, you have a 25 minute lunch. Let me break this down for you.... 3 minutes walking the kids to the lunch room, 5 minutes to wait with the kids to make sure everyone gets their lunch, 2 minutes to walk to the teachers break room, 5 minutes to go pee and wash your hands (since you have not had a break since the beginning of school), and 3 minutes to heat up your lunch. This leaves you with 5 minutes to snarf down your lunch as quick as you can because you have to pick up your kids on time. It is rough around lunch time when you are a teacher.
That is why this week was so hard to start a diet. We have had work days without students. It's our one chance to go out like the rest of the world. Our principal had lunch catered in for us on Wednesday. I cheated on my diet a little, but it could have been way worse!!! I had spaghetti, salad and a bread stick. I really wanted another bread stick and a really awesome chocolate chip cookie, but I stayed strong!!! Thursday and Friday, no students... Teachers GO OUT!! No matter what, just because we can:) I went out with the first grade teachers on Thursday and I the unthinkable... I had a coke!!! I know, if everyone else ordered water, I really could have done it, but they didn't!!! I am sure the chicken quesadillas were not that great for me either:( Friday, I decided to be good. I have to weigh in on Monday and I really didn't want to have gained weight instead of lost anything. I had sudden flashes of Mark losing 5 lbs. and myself gaining 3. I turned down on of the librarians wonderful brownies and walked to my room to get my protein bar!!!
Breakfast are the one area I have got to work on. I have left my house 4/5 days this week without eating! Getting yourself ready and two kids, making sure the house is show ready, and dropping kids off at two different locations is completely exhausting. It takes me 3 hours!!! I have been so late every day, I can't even think about breakfast. I think once we get into a routine it will be much easier. I have to make myself eat breakfast!!!! It's not a option!!
Both Mark and I have eaten very well at night. I have stuck with a chicken breast and a huge plate of veggies. I need to substitute some fish in there next week too!! Mark doesn't do veggies, but he had not consumed his normal 12 servings of carbs at dinner!
Feeling really quite guilty about my lunch indulgences this morning, I decided while Mark was sleeping to take a sneak peek on the scales so I could assess the damage. Imagine my amazement when it said I had lost a little over 2 pounds. YEAH!!!!! Maybe I can lose another pound by Monday morning! We will see!!!!