We were so glad to have Aunt Marti and Uncle Joe here for the weekend!! Since they moved to New Mexico a few years ago they have been very missed!!! We went over to Uncle Darren and Aunt Amy's house for dinner Friday night to spend time as a family!!

Aunt Marti and Katelyn

Aunt Nona and Katelyn

Connor, Drayton and Camden had a blast!! Here is a cute picture of Drayton and Camden posing for the camera!! Aunt Amy even asked Camden if he wanted to spend the night, which made me very nervous... but it ended up OK. There were a few tears at bed time and then again at 5:30 in the morning (sorry Amy) but it was nothing that a quick movie in the DVD player couldn't fix!!!

While Camden was playing with the boys at Aunt Amy's house, we were busy cleaning Camden's closet. I had a box I was filling with all the clothes Camden has outgrown. It was quite counterproductive, I would put two things in the box and Katelyn would come behind me and pull 1 thing out! This one made me SPRINT for the camera. Katelyn thought it was so funny to put Cam's underwear on her head. This is one of those blackmail pictures when she gets older:)
Katelyn loves to sit in her bucket chairs. I was upstairs changing the laundry over and I came downstairs to find Katelyn sitting in her chair, with her pillow and her toy in her lap! She sat there for almost 15 minutes!!

Camden just loves playing with Katelyn, especially when she plays with the toys that he gave her. Katelyn loves filling her shopping cart with babies and strutting around the house. Proud Bubba walking by her side!!
That is too cute seeing Camden walking with Katelyn. I LOVE the book thing next to Katelyn's bucket chair. Where did you get that?
Katelyn, I love your new hat. Maybe you could start a new style for everyone (the underware hat)!!! Yes, Katelyn loves her dolls and anything that goes with them and Camden loves playing with her. What a great big brother you are Camden.
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