Friday was Camden's first field trip of the year. We went to the pumpkin patch. He has been talking about this fieldtrip for several months. Not because he was excited to go to the pumpkin patch, but because he is four and four year olds don't have to wear a safety harness on the bus. 

We visited the petting zoo and Camden got to pet a bull.
I think the maze was his favorite part. Here is a picture of Camden with his best buddy Cruz!!
On the hayride, they had a rule that you could only pick up one piece of hay. That rule was really hard for Camden to follow. He loved playing in the hay.
After the hayride, we had a nice little picnic lunch and then headed out to the pumpkin patch. Camden found the perfect pumpkin right off the bat and then picked one out for his baby sister!! 

What a fun day:)

1 comment:
What a fun day you had with Mom Camden. Looks like you found the perfect Pumpkin.
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