Tonight Katelyn got to taste rice cereal for the first time... yes, I got to give it to her this time. Beat ya Mom ; ) She wasn't quite sure what she thought about it. She just kept spitting it out. I don't think she liked it to much. She prefers to chew on her hands. We put the left overs in her bottle. Maybe her little belly will be full enough to make it through the night. Wish me luck!!

I can verify that Katelyn isn't sure if she likes cereal yet. Last night I told Camden we were just going to finish giving it to her in her bottle and he assurred me we weren't. I was actually dicussing with a five year old how we were going to feed cereal to a 4 month old. He told me to just keep pushing it in her mouth - she will eat it Grandma.
Looks like Katelyn and Taylan both have the same idea about rice cereal. They are both so cute!!!!!
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