Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big Week for 1st things

Katelyn slept all night for the first time on Sunday night. Granted, she hasn't done it sense, but I was really excited. Last night for the first time, she started laughing, really laughing. Mark was making silly faces at her and she would just bust out laughing. It was absolutely adorable!! Now, she is laughing all the time especially when she sees herself in the mirror. She coos and flails her body all over the place. I love it!! She has such a dazzling personality!!

Camden has been sick. He woke up last night with a 102 fever. Poor guy! Not being able to snuggle Katelyn has been really hard on him. I hope he is better by tomorrow. It's RED FRIDAY!!! Go Chiefs!!!!!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Laughter is the best!!