Oops... I just realized that I forgot to post Katelyn's 10 month pictures and milestones. Well, at least we have the pictures from the photo shoot we had together. This last month, Katelyn's personality has really blossomed. She loves to smile and laugh!! She has learned how to crawl up stairs and pull up on just about everything. Her favorite thing to do right now is pull things out of the toy box and throw them into a different box or on the floor. She takes one thing out of one box and throws it in another box. I think it will drive Camden crazy in the long run when his toys are everywhere, but for now we love watching her do it. She takes all the books out of her book box and throws them on the floor. She loves to sit with books spread out all around her. She loves to say... "no, no." She actually goes up the stairs and when Mark or myself go to get her she says, "no, no." Katelyn started eating a lot of big girl food this month. She loves chicken nuggets!! She definitely eats like her brother... EVERYTHING!!!!!

Katelyn - you are getting so big and I am glad you like the outdoors. Have fun this summer with big brother. Love, Grandma
P.S. I love your outfit.
She's so cute!
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