Grandma came by the house tonight to see Camden and Katelyn. She spent the weekend with my Aunt Cathy and my cousin Kristin. I hear they had a blast!! They did some shopping while in Chicago. Grandma brought Camden a dinosaur shirt to wear to the dinosaur museum this summer and brought Katelyn a few outfits. We definitely had fun trying things on. She is definitely a girly-girl!!!! She loved getting new clothes. Mom would hold it out and baby Kate would grab it up and give it a hug. it was pretty cute!!

Grandma also arrived bearing gifts from Aunt Cathy!! Camden was so excited for the binoculars. He wouldn't put them down all night and even took them outside to do some bird watching!! Thank you Aunt Cathy!!!
TODAY is Aunt Cathy's birthday!!! Happy 50th birthday Aunt!!! We love you and wish we could be there to celebrate with you!!
That's my girl alright. I now have a shopping buddy. Clothes, clothes, clothes here we come. Watch out shopping centers, Katelyn and I will shop til we drop, right girlfriend. Love, Grandma.
Camden did love his binoculars. He wouldn't put them down. He said "I always wanted these". Way to go Aunt Cathy. And it's pretty nice Tara thinks you are "50". See, that's a GREAT BIRTHDAY SURPRISE IN ITSELF.
I get my "girly shopping thrill" from looking for things for Katelyn.....thank you Katelyn.
I can't wait for everyone to come to INDY to see the children's museum and the zoo here....hurry up summer. Camden, the museum will be so much fun for you.
And finally...thank you Tara, you have now made me younger than your mother....Yeah! 50 again!!!
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