What a spectacular Easter Sunday we had. It started at 4:00 in the morning when Camden came in our room wondering if the Easter Bunny had come yet... I wonder where he gets that can't sleep thing??? Who knows:) I ended up putting him back in his room with a movie. I told him that he can not get out of his bed and he had to be really quiet because if the Easter Bunny hadn't come yet, he would scare him away if he knew Camden was awake. This little stretch of the truth, bought me 2 more hours. Camden came back into our room at 6:00 when his movie was over. We all ran downstairs to see if the Easter Bunny visited our house and sure enough he had. There were eggs and suckers everywhere. The Easter Bunny brought Katelyn her first bunny and brought Camden a alligator. Well, according to Camden, it's not an alligator, it's a dinosucas. This should not surprise anyone knowing his love of dinosaurs. We had a spectacular Easter Morning!!
Next, we all got dressed and headed out to brunch. We met Great-Grandma, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Shawna and Uncle Ryan. Brunch was great. Grandpa was lucky enough to sit by Katelyn and spoil her the entire time. Katelyn sure loves her grandpa!!
After brunch we headed to see the Easter Bunny to thank him for our Easter presents. The Easter Bunny was at the Bass Pro Shop (Camden's favorite store) The funny thing about seeing the Easter Bunny this year was we tried 2 other times before. We tried on Friday and got there at 10:00, but he wasn't scheduled to be there until 3-7. Mom misread the ad in the paper and saw 10, but the 10 was actually for April 10. Saturday, Mark and I decided to take the kids, so we went at 4:30 thinking the hours would be from 3-7 again... WRONG. The bunny was only available from 11-3, so we missed him again. Needless to say, I checked the hours very carefully for Easter Sunday and we finally got to see the bunny:) Camden was so timid. He didn't like the way his eyes looked, so he didn't want to sit next to him. It wasn't until Camden saw Katelyn with the Easter Bunny that he changed his mind. As you can see, he was still very nervous:) Katelyn had a great first Easter.

Then We headed to Grandma's because the Easter Bunny visited there too!!! We spent the afternoon relaxing and watching my favorite movie.. Marley and me!!

Then We headed to Grandma's because the Easter Bunny visited there too!!! We spent the afternoon relaxing and watching my favorite movie.. Marley and me!!

Then we celebrated my birthday!!! What a great day:)
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