My sister is such a talented artist, but also has a heart of gold. She donated some of her artwork for a silent auction to benefit the Kyrie Foundation. I went to the benefit tonight to support my sister and her artwork, but what a reality check I got. Kyrie was a little girl that died of pediatric brain cancer. They showed a slide show that brought tears to my eyes as they reminisced of Kyrie's life. As I watched the slide show, I found myself holding my own daughter tighter and tighter. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose your baby. The organization is small and just starting out, but it is for such a great cause!! http://www.kyriefoundation.com/
Tara, I couldn't have said it better than you did. We are so proud of Shawna's art talents. But what a reality check. We don't realize how lucky we are that all our little ones are so healthy. I didn't realize that peadiatric brain cancer is the leading cause of infant deaths. Lukemia is now the second. Shawna worked with the Aunt of Kyrie and they have started this foundation to spread the word and to try to raise money for this so worthy cause. The evening was an eye opening experience.
I clicked on the website, oh my goodness, I can't imagine losing my baby girl. I thank God every day for the blessing of a healthy child! My heart just broke for that family...
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