Saturday, November 20, 2010

Camden's Yellow Belt Graduation

This was the day Camden has been working for for 4 months now since we started Tae Kwon Do. His first belt graduation!! He has been a white belt for a long time, but tonight he will graduate to his yellow belt! He has been so nervous about breaking the board that is required for graduation. We knew he could do it, but he was extremely nervous! You should have seen his face when he broke the board. He turned back with this look of amazement. He couldn't believe it!!

My cheering section!! Grandma, Grandpa and Sissy!
Ready... Set....Go

"I did it... I did it"

Mrs. G signed Camden's first board! This night was so special!!

Our Little Yellow Belt!!!


Whitney Richeson said...

I would LOVE to come and watch him sometime!! So proud of him!

Nonna Illustration & Design said...

Go Camden! Yeah!