Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thansgiving with the Beersman/Jackson Family

What a Thanksgiving we had this year. Our family has gotten so BIG!!! As always, we celebrate on Thanksgiving Day at Papa Billy and GG's house. Katelyn had a good time looking at all of Papa Billy's woodwork! We even got to take a beautiful reindeer home with us. It is on our fireplace!! Katelyn loved it. She also LOVED the train set!! I remember Camden spending hours playing with that thing and Katelyn loved it just the same!!

Camden has been into playing games lately! He is getting better and better with his ability to accept a loss, but it is still a work in progress. Some of his favorite games are: Sorry, Connect 4, and Guess Who. Usually on Thanksgiving, it's Cards, Cards, Cards. This year, Camden's games were a big hit!! Uncle Ryan thought he was the king of Connect 4 until he played Mark! It's nice having a kid around so you actually have an excuse to play those games again:)

Three months ago, he would have thrown his board over, thrown all the pieces across the room and screamed when he was behind, but now.... he is just pouting!! I will take it any day of the year! Camden's new anxiety medicine is making all the difference in the world with his ability to deal with everyday situations! I am so proud of him!!!

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving at Papa Billy's and GG's if we didn't play on the wood tractor. Katelyn really enjoyed it this year!! I think Danielle loved playing with her too!!


Sharon Harlow said...

WOW, that looked like a Wonderful Thanksgiving. I love all of the woodworking items. They are marvelous.........

Whitney Richeson said...

What a wonderful Thanksgiving. Camden, I knew you were such a good game player..what a smartie you are! :)