My memory of Camden losing his first tooth on his own is unfortunately not a great one. Camden was really sick last week and ended up with a really bad ear infection. He is taking amoxacillin. He had a really bad day at school on Monday and it continued at home. He was being very defiant (what's new!!) He told Mark that he was not going to take his medicine and if Mark gave it to him, he would spit it out. THE LITTLE STINKER actually did it.... he spit it out all over mark. Camden's tooth came out in the struggle to force antibiotics down our child's throat. NICE HUH..... :)
Mean Old Mom confiscated his tooth for the night. There was no way in the world I was going to allow him to be visited by the Tooth Fairy after the day he had. Tuesday at school was much better... The Tooth Fairy visited and gave the little stinker 4 dollar bills and 4 quarters!! What a tooth!!!
1 comment:
I LOVE the pictures of his lost tooth. He looks soo cute! :) I am glad he is feeling better.
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