Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Camden had some major sensory issues with carving pumpkins this year. He hated the smell and would barely go near it. This was about as close as he got. His pumpkin didn't need to be carved. His pumpkin was designed completely by Cam.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from today!!!


Hilbrich Family said...

The kids look adorable!!! Happy Halloween!! Hope it was a great night!

Whitney Richeson said...

Hope you all had a great night! The kids look grrreat!!: )

Nonna Illustration & Design said...

Looks like the kidos had fun! Happy Halloween!


Sharon Harlow said...

Love to my little Witch and Kight in Shining Armor !!!! Looks like you had a fantastic Halloween. Hope you got lots of good candy trick-or-treating.