Camden is so funny in his perceptions of things. He has a very difficult time understanding why Mark and I wear glasses, but he doesn't. He begged us for over two weeks to get a pair of glasses. He kept stealing my glasses out of my bathroom, so in order to make sure my glasses stayed in tact, I decided it was time to get him some glasses. It is hard to find glasses with doesn't have a prescription in them for children. I finally found these sunglasses looking glasses for really cheap. I promised him that if he took care of these glasses for 1 month, I would buy him a new pair of glasses that he could wear to school!!!
The really funny part to this story is that once he got them, he has been reading like the glasses are magic!!!! He used to want me to read everything to him, even though he is very capable of reading just about anything. Now, the boy is reading EVERYTHING!!! He loves reading to his sister every night:)
That is so wonderful! Boy, do I miss that boy! :)
Keep up the reading Camden. Reading is something you will enjoy for the rest of your life. You go boy !!!!!!!!!!!!
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