Monday morning, Katelyn woke up with her first top tooth. She has 3 now.... 2 on bottom and 1 on the top. We were wondering why she was a little cranky Sunday night and refused to eat anything. Now that that tooth has broken through the surface she pigged out tonight!!!! I turned by back for 1 second to help Camden and the girl got busted! This definitely ended up with a trip to the bath tub:) She wants to feed herself so bad, but just can't quite figure out exactly how to work the spoon yet!!!
Katelyn...you are a CUTIE PIE!! :)
Katelyn - did you get any of that food in your tummy???
I Absolutly LOVE that last photo with her in the towel! What a sweetheart!!!!!! Ishould start stripping Taylan down to nakedness to eat. You have time to give a bath in the AM???? holy cow. I'm lucky to have time to get my pants on!
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