Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Katelyn 8 Months Old

Katelyn is now 8 months old. I can't believe it!!! It seems like just yesterday I was waiting for her to arrive. She is the most precious little girl. She is doing so many great things this month. She learned how to crawl forward about 2 weeks ago and is now EVERYWHERE!! She loves going after the dog bones. She can be sitting in a huge pile of toys and see the dog bone across the room and takes off after it. She started drinking from a sippy cup and eating Cheerios all by herself:) She is so good at picking them up and making them to her mouth! She is very precise. She will stand up and hold on to objects, but only if you get her there. She has absolutely no interest in pulling up on anything by herself which is definitely OK by me!!! She loves her big brother and plays with him all the time. I wish I knew what she was thinking when she watches him. She is now putting herself to sleep every night by herself, but loves taking her naps in our bed!!


Hilbrich Family said...

Happy 8 months Katelyn! :)

Courtney said...

They're such cuties Tara! Can't believe how big Katelyn is getting so fast!

Angela said...

They are so cute together!