Sunday, February 22, 2009
Slumber Party

Daddy... Teach me how to climb a tree!!!
Every since Camden saw Robin's two sons climbing the tree in front of their house, he has wanted to learn how to climb a tree. It was very chilly outside today, but there was no way we could put him off any longer. We loaded up the car and off we went to the park. Camden was very nervous at first and was afraid to go high in the tree. He is always very cautious about everything. Mark climbed up and showed him how it was done. Cam decided that he was finished and wanted to "practice" climbing on the equipment at the park instead of the tree. He had about 10 minutes of "practicing" before he was ready for the tree again. This time, he was ready. I was sitting in the car with Katelyn because it was a little to chilly to have her out to long. All of a sudden I hear Camden screaming and crying. I grab Katelyn and run to the tree thinking he was stuck or something..... He was screaming because Mark wouldn't let him go any higher. He wanted to climb to the top of the tree and Mark told him he was as high as a four year old can go. Once we convinced him that he couldn't go any higher, he had a great time!
New Tooth Trouble

Monday morning, Katelyn woke up with her first top tooth. She has 3 now.... 2 on bottom and 1 on the top. We were wondering why she was a little cranky Sunday night and refused to eat anything. Now that that tooth has broken through the surface she pigged out tonight!!!! I turned by back for 1 second to help Camden and the girl got busted! This definitely ended up with a trip to the bath tub:) She wants to feed herself so bad, but just can't quite figure out exactly how to work the spoon yet!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Dinosaur Garden

Today, we didn't have school because of President's Day. Camden took the opportunity to get out his dinosaur garden that he got for Christmas from his Great-Grandma. he played with it for almost an hour. If you know my son... that is amazing:) We eventually had to put it away until Katelyn took a nap. She kept trying to eat the dinosaurs!!!
Beautiful Girl
When you find out you are having a baby girl, you get so excited about pink. The truth of the matter is.. Katelyn looks amazing in blue!! Especially Teal Blue. I was shopping for baby food other day and I saw this dress. I bought it to save for her birthday, but it is so pretty I had to try it on her. It's still a little big, but is she gorgeous or what.....???

Valentines Day 2009
We had an amazing Valentines day this year. We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the day. Camden, Connor, Drayton, and Katelyn all had a blast opening up their Valentines Day presents. Camden's favorite was the movie Space Buddies. He has been waiting for it since it came out a few weeks ago. He loves those movies:) Katelyn's first Valentines was very special. She got several things along with this adorable outfit and her stuffed unicorn. Now if we can just keep Macy away from it.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Lots of Love for my Valentines!!!!
Tuesday night Camden and I baked sugar cookies and tonight, we got to ice them. We are making special cookies for his teachers: Mrs. Samantha, Mrs. Melissa, and Mrs. Christy. Camden loves pre-school and his teachers. He even snuck money to school this week to buy them a drink... "Just incase they got thristy!!" He is so thoughtful....and we are so thankful that we have such amazing educators working with him on a daily basis..... Thank you !!!!!
Katelyn 8 Months Old
Katelyn is now 8 months old. I can't believe it!!! It seems like just yesterday I was waiting for her to arrive. She is the most precious little girl. She is doing so many great things this month. She learned how to crawl forward about 2 weeks ago and is now EVERYWHERE!! She loves going after the dog bones. She can be sitting in a huge pile of toys and see the dog bone across the room and takes off after it. She started drinking from a sippy cup and eating Cheerios all by herself:) She is so good at picking them up and making them to her mouth! She is very precise. She will stand up and hold on to objects, but only if you get her there. She has absolutely no interest in pulling up on anything by herself which is definitely OK by me!!! She loves her big brother and plays with him all the time. I wish I knew what she was thinking when she watches him. She is now putting herself to sleep every night by herself, but loves taking her naps in our bed!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tennis Anyone???

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