Camden comes home today from being with his Nana and Papa. The first day he was gone, I went up to school and worked in my new classroom. I thought, this is nice...I
actually can get
something done. The second day, Katelyn and I hung out around the house. I got to watch some TV besides the
usual: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,
Backyardigans, and CARS. It was also nice to have my house clean and not have toys all over the place. Well, now it has been 5 days and I miss my little guy terribly!!! I have talked to him on the phone almost
every night and I know he is having a good time. It may sound funny but I actually miss his messes around the house! I probably won't feel that way tomorrow morning, but I can't wait till he gets home tonight!! We have one more week together until school starts and I am planning on making the most of it!!!
I love that he is spending time with my husbands parents. My mother-in-law is a teacher so she has the summers off as well. Last summer was the first year that Camden went down and spent time with them without Mark or Myself. I think it is very important that my children get to know them as well as they do my parents that live up the street. It's kinda a unfair advantage living so close, but we make sure we talk about my husbands family all the time.
I am also super excited to see Camden's face when he sees his bathroom for the first time!! I will post some pictures when he gets home!!

He Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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