Camden was actually really showing an interest in American Idol this season. He kept giving people thumbs up and thumbs down and was cheering when the ones he liked got letters to go through to Hollywood. He thinks that Jennifer Lopez is "beautiful" and he thought Steven Tylor looked funny until Mark told him he was a rock star and played a Aerosmith video for him. 1/2 way though the video, Camden disappeared! We had no idea where he went. Turns out, he ran to the basement to get his guitar out! He hasn't put it down every since... Oh boy, look out world!!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sparring Finally!!!
Camden has been asking about sparring since we first started TaeKwonDo back in June. Since the equipment "Sparring Gear" was almost $200, we decided to make sure that TaeKwonDo was something that Camden was going to want to stick with in the long run before investing the money. I think Santa was watching from the North Pole and knew how much Camden loved TaeKwonDO because he brought Camden sparring gear for Christmas.
Geautreaux's only has 1 week every month that they dedicate to sparring, so Camden was so excited for his first sparring week (January 10-14) Geautreaux's runs on the school districts weather guidelines. This is where the problem begins...
Monday=Snow day=Class Canceled= No Sparring
Tuesday=Snow day=Class Canceled= No Sparring
Wednesday=Snow day=Class Canceled= No Sparring
Thursday=School in Session= 1st and only sparring class for the month!!! YEAH!!!!!
Camden was very nervous for his first sparring class. He ended up having a very good time and is very excited for next month!!! Here are a few snapshots from Camden's very first sparring night!!
Snow Day Fun
Snow Day # 2 was filled with getting the Tahoe fixed. I had to call and get insurance taken care of and then we needed to make arrangements for a rental car. Day 2 was not so fun!!
Snow Day # 3 was another fun day!! Camden and Katelyn were arguing about what they were going to make for breakfast. Camden wanted Cinnamon rolls and Katelyn wanted donuts. I thought to myself, "What the heck, it's a snow day." We ended up making them both:) YUM!!!
Snow Day # 3 was another fun day!! Camden and Katelyn were arguing about what they were going to make for breakfast. Camden wanted Cinnamon rolls and Katelyn wanted donuts. I thought to myself, "What the heck, it's a snow day." We ended up making them both:) YUM!!!
Sibling bantering is at it's best right now in the Jackson house. I seem to hear the following scenario on a regular basis:
Camden- "My Mommy" while hugging my arm
Katelyn- "No, My Mommy" while screaming and hugging my arm
Camden- "No, My Mommy" etc...
Katelyn- "No, My Mommy" etc... etc...
I guess I should be thankful that my children love me, but the arguing is driving me crazy!! I hope this is a stage they grow out of fast!!
Later in the day, we made soap for the bath tub. Their soaps were so pretty, I almost hated to let them take them in the bath tub! They did love their baths that night!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
First Snow Day!!!
Katelyn came into my room sometime around 4:00 in the morning (Bad Habit, I know) Camden snuck in sometime after Mark left for work and when we woke up around 7:45. It was nice waking up late with both my babies snuggled up in bed with me! The first thing I told them to do was to go and look out the window. You should have seen their faces!! They were so excited as this is the first good snow we have had this winter!! They wanted to go out immediately, but I told them we needed to wait until it warmed up a bit!
I actually had a lot planned for our snow day today.... I was hoping that we wouldn't have school. I even stayed up late and cleaned the house so I could spend the entire day with the kids and not have to worry about anything around the house. I hate getting phone calls before 6:00, but the phone call that says school is canceled is always welcomed!!!

We started the day off with a wonderful breakfast which included all our favorites: Camden loves scrambled eggs, Katelyn loves sausage, and I love French Toast!! YUM!!!!

Next, we broke out the tent! Camden and Katelyn both love to "camp out" in our living room! They were playing so well together. I love it when they get along!!!
Next on the list of snow day activities: Chocolate Chip Cookies!! We used my favorite this time: Dark Chocolate Chips!! Oh these cookies are just amazing!!!
I held the kids off in playing outside until 2:00. I thought that was an accomplishment in itself!! I could hold them off no longer, so we all bundled up and headed out in the snow. I was curious how Kate would react this year since she was NOT a fan at all last year. This year, she LOVED the stuff! She was so bundled up, that I don't think she could feel a thing from her head to her toe. The snow was not very wet, so Camden's dream of making Dreamsy (snowman) come back to life faded fast, but we had plenty of fun making snow balls and snow angels. Katelyn loved to eat the snow. I think she liked the way it felt on her tongue. Before I knew it, we had been outside for an hour and a half! We were so bundled up, we didn't get cold at all! We had a terrific first snow day together!!
Camden's friend George came over to get Camden when he saw him outside in the yard. They had a really good time playing in the snow together!! With Camden playing with George, Katelyn got my undivided attention, which doesn't happen very often! She loved going down the slide with all the snow on it. It didn't matter how many times she would go down, she would just laugh and laugh!! I did have to help her up the ladder every time. She had mittens on and she couldn't quite get he hang of putting her thumbs in the thumb holes, so she had no use of her hands. It was kind funny trying to watch her shovel and climb up the ladder without being able to use her hands.
Chiefs Playoff Game... At Home!!!
It was really hard on Mark this year not going to the playoff game!! We went to every home game this year and then when it really counts... the playoffs... we didn't go!! We decided to watch the game at home on our high def. TV and save the 400 dollars it would have cost for tickets. Even thought we weren't there, we still go to witness the flyover!! Mark took this photo from our back yard! It kept circling and making laps waiting to get the timing right for the stadium!! We had a wonderful view!
Katelyn was so funny the morning of the game. I kept telling her to say, "Go Chiefs" and she kept saying, "No...Go Broncos." It wasn't until we broke out one of Camden's old Chiefs shirts that she started cheering for the Chiefs. She looks kinda cute with that jersey on with her little tights.
Katelyn looks thrilled watching the game with her dad. This is one of those pictures that I had to take just to prove to Mark that she really does love him. She is kinda a Mommy's girl!! Every once in a while, she shows her Daddy side! This was definitely one of those moments!!
I had a sudden flash back as we were watching the game with Camden. He disappeared up to his room where he keeps his dress up clothes. When he reappeared, he had on his Chiefs helmet and had his football. He was ready to play ball. This exact same thing happened when he was 2 years old. Every time we would watch football, he would go and get his ball! I just had stroll down memory lane and pull out a picture. Look how much he has grown!! My little football star!!!

I can't believe his Little pretend helmet actually fits on my head!! He was trying to get a sack!! He was successful, but then Dad forced a fumble!!!!
Even though our Chiefs lost, we are still so proud of their season! They are a very young group of men who have gotten some experience in the post-season! Next year, we are going to come back and go to the playoffs again!! GO CHIEFS!!!!
It's Finally OUT!!
When Camden gets a loose tooth, he totally fixates on it until it is out of his mouth!! When I say he fixates on it, I mean that's all the thinks about!!! Since his last tooth started wiggling, he has had his hands in his mouth wiggling that little thing trying to pry it out!! It finally worked... He came home from school last Thursday night and didn't give up until he got it out! He couldn't wait to find the pillow that Grandma made him for his tooth. The Tooth Fairy left Camden $5.00. He was upset because the last time the tooth fairy came, he left him 2 dollar bills and 2 quarters. He still doesn't quite understand the concept of money... He wanted 4 things again instead of the $5.00 bill. I need to get smarter, I should have offered to trade him...just kidding! What kinda mom do you think I am??? :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Beersman Family Pictures 2010
Lauren, Marks cousin, is a wonderful photographer. She took advantage of us all being together at Thanksgiving and took family pictures. This is Marks side of the family in case you can't tell. Mark looks a lot like his family!!
The Jackson Family
The Beersman Family
Great-Grandkids with Papa Billy and GG
The original Jacksons
Kansas City Jacksons
Cousin Love!!
The babies: Jaylee and Liddy
Katelyn and Jaylee having fun!!!
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