I couldn't help but snap this picture on Friday although it's really blurry. Come to find out, Camden was playing with my camera and my lens was smeared with fingerprints. Not exactly good for clear pictures. Anyway, the kids were so excited about our upcoming trip! While Mark was working, I decided I would go ahead and bring the suitcases up from the basement and put them in our bedroom so all we would have to do was fill them on Saturday:) Camden disappeared for about 15 minutes or so. I kept asking him what he was doing and he said, "something special mom, Don't Come Up." When he finally emerged, he had packed one of the suitcases for Katelyn with Elmo and Big Bird inside and brought it all the way back down stairs to the living room. The instant Katelyn saw this she ran and jumped in the suitcase too!! Oh man, if they only knew the suitcase was for clothes, not stuffed animals:)
Mark and I worked feverishly on Saturday, so all we would need to do on Sunday is get up in the morning and put ourselves and the kids in the car and go. We set the alarm for 3:30 in the morning. We had been telling Camden that we were going to come in and get him in the middle of the night and carry him to our car, but he could continue sleeping if he wanted. When Marks alarm clock went off, I turned on our light and two minutes later, Camden came bouncing into our room asking us if it was the middle of the night yet. I really did expect Camden to be too excited to sleep in the car, but I was not expecting it from Katelyn. The kids were wide awake from the time we got into the car at 3:45 watching. They watched Speed Racer and Elmo on their DVD players since it was still to dark to do anything else.
Mark had arranged the trip, so we could stop for breakfast in Oklahoma at the Will Rogers McDonald's which is actually over a highway. Here are some pictures of us enjoying a quick breakfast while cars and zooming under us on the highway!!
We made pretty good time. We pulled out of our driveway at exactly 4:00 in the morning and made it to San Antonio at 5:09 and even stopped twice and got out to eat breakfast and lunch. Camden did surprising well. This is one of those times, I wish he was a movie watcher. Here he had his own DVD player, but he just doesn't like to watch anything. The only time it was used was when it was to dark to do anything else when we first left our house. Katelyn on the other hand, gave her DVD player a complete workout!!! That thing ran all day long with Elmo and Little Einsteins. We filled the rest of the trip with reading books, coloring, snacks, ring pops and asking, " how much longer until we would get there?" Camden started getting antsy about the last 4 hours, but oh my gosh, did surprisingly well!!!

Katelyn did finally end up going to sleep for a little bit at 11:00ish. She slept for about an hour and then we had to stop for gas and lunch. This was the only time she slept!! My kids just are not sleepers in the car!!
Our hotel was beautiful when we arrived. The kids went straight to our balcony and saw the pool when we arrived. After being in a car for 15 hours the pool sounded awesome to all of us!!! We decided to go swimming for a few hours and just order dinner in! We also went to bed a little early, we had a very busy day at Sea World planned for Monday!!
Our hotel was beautiful when we arrived. The kids went straight to our balcony and saw the pool when we arrived. After being in a car for 15 hours the pool sounded awesome to all of us!!! We decided to go swimming for a few hours and just order dinner in! We also went to bed a little early, we had a very busy day at Sea World planned for Monday!!
It sounds like you are having a blast! That McDonalds is super cool!!! :)
Looks like your vacation is off to a great start!! Hafe fun! Safe travels!
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