Camden's soccer season was a HUGE success!!! I can't believe that this was the same child that would hide under out chairs last season at the mere thought of going out on the field to play in a soccer game. Practices didn't go so well, but put that boy out on the field in competition and WOW... he is a different person. I have to admit, I had tears in my eyes when I watched him play. I never thought I would see my kid excel in sports... team sport, I guess I should say:)

My # 1 Fans!!

With the season coming to an end and only two games left, Camden has still not scored any goals. That second to last game, he got his first taste of victory by scoring a goal in the first quarter. I guess that first taste of success went along way because he scored another goal before 1/2 time. Here is a picture of my proud boys at halftime showing me how many goals he had scored. He even scored a third in the 4th quarter!!!!

The last game of the season came around!! I wish I could say I was at the game, but it was raining and in the lower 60's and Katelyn was sick, so Mark took him to the game and i stayed home. One of Camden's major sensory issues is his head getting wet... Soccer Game---- Outside---Raining!!!! I kinda felt sorry for Mark trying to get Camden there, but his team was depending on him!! He had a really hard time at first, but as soon as he saw the trophies in the coaches bag, he played like a rock star. He ended up scoring 7 goals that game!!!! I am so proud of my little soccer player!!!!
1 comment:
So proud of you Camden!!
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