Camden LOVES school too!! I guess it just runs in the family. I went to pick him up on the first day of school and he told me, "kindergarten is so awesome!! It's just so fun." I can't tell you how good it was to hear:) When you worry about something for so long, it's nice to hear some good things!! I think putting him in summer school this year was the best decision Mark and I ever made. We got the really difficult anxiety stuff out of the way, and he is having a blast!! Of coarse, he has the best kindergarten teacher ever:) He is growing up way to fast!!!

While getting ready the other morning, he was putting on his shoes... Camden style (S...L...O...W...L...Y...) I was trying to get him to hustle, so I told him we were really late. You know what that little stinker said to me: "Mom, will you please stop being so dramatic." Can you believe it... me... Dramatic!!! He is developing quite a sense of humor!!
Here are some pictures from his first day of school. He didn't want to get any pictures with his kindergarten teacher on the first day. He wanted to wait until Friday. The significance in Friday.. I have no idea:)
Camden looks so big! I am so happy he loves kindergarten! Then again...Whitney is an AWESOME teacher!!! I am so glad you have a great group of kids in your classroom this year. I will have to stop by and see your room all set up! :)
I cannot believe our kids are in Kindergarten!
WOW...thanks you guys are too nice with your comments. I don't know about the best kindergarten teacher ever part but I can't imagine my class without Camden. He is just as precious as can be and has such a kind heart. He is the little gentlemen of my class! Tara, thanks for letting me have Camden. I am having so..much fun with him! Can't wait for my friday picture with him!:)
Aww...too cute! Wow, Whitney...you have Giblers son and Tara's son..you must be a great teacher! Tara, I didn't realize you were back in the classroom, glad you are loving it!
I am so happy he had a great day!
Aunt Nonna
Camden - You look so grown up. Grandma is so proud of you going to school and loving it. You go boy!!!!!!!!!!
Camden....I am SO PROUD of YOU!!!
I knew you would love your new school. Please keep up the good work. We love you, Uncle Jim and Aunt Cathy.
We hope you can come see us again.
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