What's the great news... Camden is going to be a big brother and he is so excited! He can't make up his mind if he wants a brother or sister. He seems to change his mind every other minute. We are not very far along, but those that knew my pregnancy with Camden, know how sick I was and this baby is not cutting me any slack. I am just as sick with this kiddo as I was 4 years ago. We were not planning on telling anyone for a while, but I got caught throwing up in the bathroom today by some second graders and thought I better tell people before the rumors start flying:)
The best news of all... I get to share this experience with my cousin Kristin!! She is due approximately 2 or 3 days before me. Don't get mad Kristin, I knew when you were here, but I wanted you to have the weekend to celebrate and rejoice in your first baby joys. I wanted to tell you so bad, but I just couldn't!
I am extremely jealous because she is not sick at all!! How can some get so lucky and never experience morning sickness I can't even drink a glass of water without throwing up! It's just not fair!!!
Let me be the first to say "Congratulations" and I am hoping for a little girl. Although those little boys have melted my hearts, so another little boy would be just fine too. I'm glad Camden is excited for a new arrival. Sorry you are sick again Tara, but just call when you need help. We will be here for you. Love, Grandma Harlow
Me too! Me too! Girl Power! But, if it's a boy, I will love him just as much! Camden looks so excited! I hope the next 8 months go by fast! I can't wait for a new little baby!
Congrats!!! That is so exciting! Sorry you are so sick...but you knwo it is worth it!!!
I cannot believe this. How absolutely wonderful...two babies at the same time..almost like twins in two different states.
We are so very excited for you (minus the morning sickness)...and how sweet to let Kristin have her first baby thrills...but we could have been doubly excited that weekend that we were home.
Congratulations! Hopefully the pregnancy will go very fast for you! I hope you get a girl! They are so much fun!
Marti and I are thrilled over the newest addition to the family.
We sincerely hope the "sickness" part will soon pass, so you, Mark and Camden can enjoy the joy of anticipation.
All our love to all four of you!!!
I know, I know, I a tad late!!! But Congradulations just the same,and I hope its a girl (Do you HAVE to name it Katlyn?!?!) I know once I get to meet her and hold her i will love her just the same but still, Katlyn Nicole?!?!?!?!
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