What's the great news... Camden is going to be a big brother and he is so excited! He can't make up his mind if he wants a brother or sister. He seems to change his mind every other minute. We are not very far along, but those that knew my pregnancy with Camden, know how sick I was and this baby is not cutting me any slack. I am just as sick with this kiddo as I was 4 years ago. We were not planning on telling anyone for a while, but I got caught throwing up in the bathroom today by some second graders and thought I better tell people before the rumors start flying:)
The best news of all... I get to share this experience with my cousin Kristin!! She is due approximately 2 or 3 days before me. Don't get mad Kristin, I knew when you were here, but I wanted you to have the weekend to celebrate and rejoice in your first baby joys. I wanted to tell you so bad, but I just couldn't!
I am extremely jealous because she is not sick at all!! How can some get so lucky and never experience morning sickness I can't even drink a glass of water without throwing up! It's just not fair!!!