Camden has been so excited to go to pre-school. He has waited all summer for that first day of school. Last Friday, we had his Meet the Teacher night at school. He proudly walked around telling all the teachers that he was going to go to pre-school. We couldn't get him to leave that night, but school didn't start for another week.
Monday morning, Camden was so excited. It was his first day of pre-school. I couldn't get him to sit still. I tried to snap a few pictures to capture this wonderful moment, but like always, my little guy just doesn't sit still for more than 1 second. I was so glad I snapped these pictures before we left home, because the second we got to school, Camden started screaming and crying. He was begging me to stay. As hard as it was for me to leave him there, I know that it is what is best for him.
When I picked him up, all he could talk about was what a wonderful time he had! I can't believe he is growing up so fast!!!!