Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chistmas Day

Camden was really excited on Christmas morning. We had to go in and wake Katelyn up, which is not always a good thing if you know what I mean, but with presents from Santa waiting downstairs, it wasn't as bad as it usually is:)

WOW.. Look at all those gifts from Santa!! Can't wait to read those dinosaur books!!
Katelyn just sat and looked at her presents for a few minutes... then she got really excited when we told her she could open her stocking. She took one or two things out of her stocking and threw it aside b/c she wanted to open her presents.

Can you tell Camden LOVES his dinosaur puzzle??

Once Katelyn saw all the great stuff in Camden's stocking she wanted to go back to hers again:)

Camden is a HUGE Denver Broncos fan:( Makes me really sad, but it is what it is and I did tell him that I will love him no matter what so... I am allowing Santa's gift in my house!! Santa took the time to write Camden a letter telling him it's OK to cheer for the Broncos even though his mom and dad are Chiefs fans. He does look happy with his Tebow jersey!! BLAH!!!!

Here is a picture of Camden opening his presents from Santa. He got his sparing gear for Tae Kwon Do! He immediately had to try it on!! He is so excited!!!

Finished product... Gotta love the cup on the outside of his PJ's... He cracks me up!!!

Katelyn got all kinds of baby doll stuff. Santa even brought her a wardrobe for all her baby doll clothes. From Mommy... she got a scentsy buddy... Ollie the Elephant. She loves it!! I kinda had a feeling she would:)

Camden and Katelyn gave Daddy a new Chiefs watch!! They were so excited to give it to him!

Katelyn with her daddy and her favorite present... Ollie!!!

Every year Katelyn reads books with Great Grandma in the morning after breakfast.

This was about the time my camera ran out of batteries:( I will have to get more pictures from the day from my parents. We had a GREAT holiday together!!

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