Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Birthday Madness!!

Here it is.. The 3 birthday peeps!!! Katelyn shares her birthday with her Papa (Marks Dad) and Uncle Wes. Their birthday just happened to be on the day of the Beersman Family Reunion, so I was able to get some good pictures. Marks very talented cousin Lauren took Katelyn's 2 year old pics for me which I will post when I get them. She is so very talented. Here are a few pics I took from today!!!

The kids love their Nana and Papa!!

Total Daddy's Girl... sometimes:)
Cousin Danielle!!
Katelyn sure loves her GG (Great-Grandma)


Sharon Harlow said...

Happy Birthday to everyone !!!!

Whitney Richeson said...

LOVE Katelyn's shirt. Did you have it made somewhere? She looked adorable!