Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas Camden and Katelyn!! Of all the days, for the kids to sleep in, they picked Christmas morning!! I went and woke the kids up at 7:45!! They were so cute! Camden went straight to his gift from Santa and Katelyn went straight to hers. Camden got a motorcycle and Katelyn got her very own kitchen!! We had an amazing morning together!!!! With all the snow outside, Camden was not able to try out his motorcycle. Mark let him try it inside for a minute. I will never forget the first time. He turned the throttle to fast and popped a wheelie. The look on his face was amazing. I was so thankful I got it on video!! Watch this!!!

Here are a few of my favorite snap shots from the day:)


Whitney Richeson said...

Ahhh..what a cool Santa to bring you a motorcycle Camden!! How fun! I can't wait to hear all about it! Katelyn, I LOVE your kitchen!! :)

Hilbrich Family said...

Merry Christmas Jackson family!!! :)

S. Jackson said...

Yes, I agree. What was Santa thinking? I love hearing Katelyn laugh at her silly brother.