Monday, May 4, 2009

Kindergarten Screening

Reality set in a few weeks ago. Our school counselor brought me a packet for kindergarten enrollment. I knew that Camden would be going to kindergarten next year, but having the actual packet in my hand was very scary!!! It seems like only yesterday he was just a little baby and now he will be going to kindergarten in the fall. Today was kindergarten screening day. I left work early to go pick Camden up to go to the school. He was so nervous at first.... I didn't think he was going to go with the parent educator. After one minute of looking at the fish, he decided he would give it a try. I was really proud of him for going with the teachers and doing his very best.
They gave him a K-1 screening test. The thing that cracks me up is that he didn't earn points for his name and birthday. Things he has known since he was 2. With Camden, it's all in the way you word a question. Apparently, when they asked him when his birthday will be, he just kept saying... "it's in 7 days." Can you tell he is excited for the big day!!! When we got home, Mark asked him what date his birthday was on and he said... May 13th. It just goes to show you how literal Camden is. If you would have asked him what the date of his birthday was, he would have been able to tell you but asking him when his birthday will be, it's in 7 days.
He has a really hard time with making mistakes. Everything has to be perfect and if something trips him up, he panics and gives up. He stumbled on the body parts part of the test. It was that darn jaw that tripped him up and then he didn't know anything...


Sharon Harlow said...

Oh Camden, where has the time gone grandson. I can't believe you are going to start kindergarten in the fall. We know when your birthday is don't we, in 7 days, and we will celebrate big time. Happy Birthday To Camden and Happy School Days.......Love, Grandma

Nonna Illustration & Design said...

My doodlebug is growing so fast. What a big boy. I bet he is excited to go to school. He just absorbs info like a sponge and I can't wait to see how much he picks up in the first year.

Aunt Nonna

Angela said...

Awww,how exciting!

Have a blessed day! said...

I know what you're going through, happiness, sadness and anxiety all rolled into one. I can recall so distinctly my baby's first day of Kindergarten...he's about to finish up 2nd grade. Where did the time go?

Take lots of pix, relax and just enjoy the ride. They grow up WAY too fast.


Hilbrich Family said...

I think Camden answered the birthday question perfectly!! In fact it shows how SMART he is! How many pre-K kids know how many days until their birthday! You are one smart kiddo Cam! :) I can't believe little Charlie Brown is going to KG in a few months! (Remember when he use to toddle around TUE with his bald little head!)