Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Snow

Just when you think spring is finally here to stay, a big snow storm is on the horizon. Weather reports are calling for up to 12 inches. Our HUGE snow storm on Saturday turned out to be only a few inches. It snowed all day long. It was the perfect excuse to stay at home and spend time with the family. Mark started a fire and Camden and Katelyn loved playing together. Even though we only got a few inches of the white stuff, it was definitely enough to play in. It was a perfect snow for making snowmen. it was heavy and very wet. Mark and Camden played outside for almost an hour. The snow sure didn't stick around long with 55 degree temperatures the next day. What a fun weekend.

1 comment:

Sharon Harlow said...

Looks like Katelyn and Camden love the fire in the fireplace. Hopefully it will be the last one this year. Camden I LOVE your snowman. He is so COOL !!!!!!!