Monday, July 28, 2008

Monkey Business

Growing up, one of my favorite memories was when I went to Florida with my best friend April. While I was away, my parents surprised me by painting my room. It was like coming home to a new room all together.

I thought I would carry on the tradition. Camden has been down at his Nana and Papas' house for a few days. While he was away, Mark and I painted and decorated his bathroom with the Monkey stuff he picked out when we were supposed to move into our new house. We thought we might as well put the stuff to good use in the meantime!
Bye-Bye purple... Hello, Monkeys!!!! It turned our pretty cute. I can't wait to see his face.


Shawna Stobaugh said...

what a cute bathroom for my doodlebug! I bet he loved it!

Aunt Shawna

Amber said...

That is adorable!! I love the baseball pics below too!? So why didn't you move? I didn't even know that!?!